Cen Tex Marine Fabricators Inc - Vast Inventory of NSN Parts

At NSN Parts Hub, owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor LLC, we offer our clients a streamlined parts purchasing platform. We readily provide NSN parts manufacturer Cen Tex Marine Fabricators Inc - (CAGE Code 1Y537), parts such as 217 PIECE 11, NO. 102 PC NO, 205-81788-26, 401-A, 207-PC14 .75IN X 1.25IN X 17FT with NSN 3120013159478, 5315014194446, 5360013135648, 3010014506282, 5330013179663. With a database of over 3 billion new and obsolete parts with civil and defence applications within the aerospace industry. As a trusted FAA AC 0056B accredited company and AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015 certified member of the Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA), our clients rely on us to provide high quality NSN parts to meet NSN requirements.

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CAGE Code: 1Y537

Part No NSN Item Name QTY RFQ
217 PIECE 11 3120-01-315-9478 bearing sleeve Avl RFQ
NO. 102 PC NO 5315-01-419-4446 pin straight headle Avl RFQ
205-81788-26 5360-01-313-5648 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
401-A 3010-01-450-6282 coupling half shaft Avl RFQ
207-PC14 .75IN X 1.2 5330-01-317-9663 rubber strip Avl RFQ
104-81788-24X52-7 5330-01-307-4265 gasket Avl RFQ
104-81788-26X52-21 3120-01-307-4299 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
207-48 X 54IN PC20 5360-01-331-9276 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
102-PIECE 3 5315-01-419-4446 pin straight headle Avl RFQ
104-81788-26X52-7 5330-01-308-7454 gasket Avl RFQ
104-81788-24X52-21 3120-01-307-2137 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A 3010-01-450-6288 coupling half shaft Avl RFQ
109-PC13 .187IN 5330-01-318-6837 packing preformed Avl RFQ
NO. 102 PC NO. 13 5330-01-420-7355 packing preformed Avl RFQ
104-81788-48X52-7 5330-01-309-1557 gasket Avl RFQ
102-PC7 5330-01-287-8671 gasket Avl RFQ
104-81788-48X52-24 5330-01-309-1558 gasket Avl RFQ
102-PC7 .75 X 1.25 X 5330-01-323-5460 gasket Avl RFQ
109-PC10 3120-01-316-7595 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
104-ALLSTEEL-PC18 3120-01-476-7139 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 26 3120-01-450-6104 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
217-PIECE 14 .187IN 5330-01-317-2709 packing material Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 12 5365-01-450-5894 shim Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 9 5330-01-451-1820 gasket Avl RFQ
205-81788-15 3120-01-313-5024 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
N0. 102 PC NO. 7 5330-01-420-7242 gasket Avl RFQ
102 PIECE 5 5315-01-419-4449 pin cotter Avl RFQ
109-PC7 .75 X 1 5330-01-318-6838 gasket Avl RFQ
109-PIECE 13 .187IN 5330-01-318-6837 packing preformed Avl RFQ
401-PC18 .187IN 5330-01-314-6931 packing material Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 7 5315-01-451-1627 pin straight headle Avl RFQ
109-PC35 4730-01-317-1946 fitting lubrication Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 3 4730-01-450-5872 plug pipe Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 10 5330-01-451-1823 retainer seal Avl RFQ
700-11-A 5315-01-271-3112 pin grooved Avl RFQ
104-81788-48X52-21 3120-01-307-4300 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
700-6-A 5330-01-271-0712 gasket Avl RFQ
102-PC13 .187IN 5330-01-104-7701 packing material Avl RFQ
NO. 102 PC NO. 19 5310-01-419-3304 nut self locking he Avl RFQ
217-PC5 .75IN X 5330-01-317-0496 gasket Avl RFQ
401-81788-9 5330-01-314-6783 gasket Avl RFQ
217-PC14 .187IN 5330-01-317-2709 packing material Avl RFQ
401-PC25 5360-01-313-7858 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
401-81788-18 5330-01-314-6931 packing material Avl RFQ
D211 5340-01-669-5808 flush dog assembly Avl RFQ
109-35 4730-01-317-1946 fitting lubrication Avl RFQ
401-81788-25 5360-01-313-7858 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
104-3066A 5342-01-296-7639 door watertight Avl RFQ
205-81788-7 5330-01-313-7895 gasket Avl RFQ
14-3078-27 5360-01-304-7750 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
14-3066A 5342-01-296-7639 door watertight Avl RFQ
104-ALLSTEEL-PC21 3120-01-476-7137 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 18 5331-01-451-5924 o ring Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 14 5315-01-451-1740 pin cotter Avl RFQ
217-PIECE 5.75IN X 1 5330-01-317-0496 gasket Avl RFQ
102-PC6 3120-01-319-2060 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
102-2669-13 5331-01-289-3134 o ring Avl RFQ
10-2669-18 3120-01-289-1878 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
41-A ITEM 22 5305-01-451-9342 setscrew Avl RFQ
109-PIECE 7 .75X1.25 5330-01-318-6838 gasket Avl RFQ
217-PC22 4730-01-315-8155 fitting lubrication Avl RFQ
104-81788-27 5360-01-307-4205 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 16 5365-01-450-5897 ring externally thr Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 13 5315-01-451-1739 pin straight headle Avl RFQ
207-48 X 54IN P 5360-01-331-9276 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
217-PIECE 5 .75INX1. 5330-01-318-9552 gasket Avl RFQ
104-81788-24X52-13 5331-01-307-4237 o ring Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 25 5360-01-450-5892 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 29 4730-01-450-5873 fitting lubrication Avl RFQ
401-A 4730-01-450-5872 plug pipe Avl RFQ
NO. 102 PC NO. 4 5310-01-420-8755 washer flat Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 4 3010-01-450-6282 coupling half shaft Avl RFQ
104-ALLSTEEL-PC19 5310-01-479-4322 nut plain hexagon Avl RFQ
104-81788-26X52-13 5330-01-308-7451 packing preformed Avl RFQ
205-81788-16 5331-01-313-7878 o ring Avl RFQ
104-ALLSTEEL-PC27 5360-01-476-6307 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
401-A 4730-01-450-5873 fitting lubrication Avl RFQ
401-25-SPRING STL 5360-01-292-7108 spring helical comp Avl RFQ
104-81788-26X52-24 5330-01-308-7459 retainer packing Avl RFQ
401-81788-17 3120-01-315-8779 bearing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 31 5315-01-451-1741 pin toggle headed Avl RFQ
700-7-A 5310-01-269-3849 bell nut Avl RFQ
NO. 102 PIECE N 5330-01-419-9229 retainer packing Avl RFQ
102 PIECE 22 5330-01-419-9229 retainer packing Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 17 3120-01-451-9204 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
104-MS PC9 5342-01-290-6277 dog door hatch Avl RFQ
104-81788-48X52-13 5330-01-309-1554 packing preformed Avl RFQ
104-3066A-21 3120-01-289-1875 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 15 5340-01-450-3873 handwheel Avl RFQ
104 PC 19 5310-01-479-4322 nut plain hexagon Avl RFQ
201 PC 18 3120-01-414-5368 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 5 5310-01-450-5928 washer flat Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 21 3120-01-451-9203 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
104-81788-24X52-24 5330-01-307-8623 retainer packing Avl RFQ
217 PIECE 5 .75INX1. 5330-01-323-8867 gasket Avl RFQ
401-PC9 .75IN X 5330-01-314-6783 gasket Avl RFQ
104-PC13 5330-01-476-3721 packing material Avl RFQ
10-2669-6 3120-01-289-1877 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
NO.102 PIECE NO.23 5365-01-420-3479 shim Avl RFQ
104-3066A-25 4730-01-289-1568 coupling pipe Avl RFQ
401-A ITEM 20 3010-01-450-6288 coupling half shaft Avl RFQ
104-ALLSTEEL-PC28 3120-01-479-8316 bushing sleeve Avl RFQ
700-A-5 5330-01-681-8899 gasket Avl RFQ

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